This department of FJDC is the pride of the entire dental community. The department is the hub of knowledge and clinical training. Since the establishment of the college, it has been known to be the strongest restorative department in the country. The faculty of this specialty travel all over the world to share their researches and demonstrate clinical skills. The post-graduation programs including FCPS, MCPS has produced over 20 post graduates, who are all holding leading positions in dental institutions. The department also provides training in advance dental practice to general practitioners via workshops and clinical attachments. Students learn treatment like dental filling, RCT procedures and other restorative procedures. The department of restorative dentistry includes the operative and endodontic procedures for the restoration of missing or lost tooth structure. It has the responsibility of basic clinical training of the students and house officers / residents. The post graduation component provides advanced clinical training for the FCPS and MCPS program. Students from 3rd year onwards are given exposure to patients coming in for treatment. The mission of this department is to provide proper patient care through advanced procedures. This is accomplished in two ways 1) All the procedures are performed under super-vision and 2) materials such as amalgam, composites, GIC, and fluoride are manipulated using modern and effective techniques. The residents are trained on both manual and rotary endodontic procedures, to keep them up to date with current practice in the various clinical settings.